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In the Bible, Lucifer is one of the most mysterious angels of God. He was initially created in the likeness of God and served as Chief Seraphim, a bright light-bearer to represent His greatness and power. As time went on, Lucifer became corrupted by his own pride and vanity, resulting in his fall from Heaven through a rebellion known as The War in Heaven.

Today Lucifer is looked upon with sadness by many as “The Fallen One”. Despite being a very different figure than what he was before his fall from grace, the amount of power and strength that Lucifer still had kept him respected for years to come. Though it’s unclear what will happen next to him, many believers hope that Lucifer may still find a way back into his Lord’s embrace one day.

Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is one of the most iconic angels in world’s mythology. Known as “the brightest” among God’s angels, he was empowered to act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. He witnessed his own fall from grace after a moment of pride caused him to become corrupted by envy and vanity.

Sadly, Lucifer has come to symbolize Satan in modern thought, yet his original purpose was much more benign. As part of the angelic trinity alongside Michael and Gabriel, Lucifer’s story reminds us of a time when the angels were created in reflection of God himself. Both Michael – He who is like God – and Gabriel -God is my strength- stood witness as this being sought for something else entirely: redemption.

Lucifer, often referred to as the “light bearer,” was the chief of all Angels that were created in the reflection of God. He is considered by many to be the fallen one due to his pride, vanity, and jealousy which eventually corrupted his heart. Of all the Angels God created, Lucifer was one of His favorites; Michael being appointed as “He who is like God” and Gabriel as “God is my strength” while Lucifer assumed the role of light-bearer.

Throughout our history religion has told stories that demonstrate how these emotions bring darkness upon individuals who make them their only motivation thereby causing them to fall further away from Heaven’s Eden. Our hearts mourn for you Satan, the deceiver and leader taken away from us by your own prideful nature.

Since time immemorial, Satan has been portrayed as being full of spite for the Almighty. This resentment is understandable as he was thrown out of Heaven and has continually suffered God’s punishment. Lucifer’s pride, arrogance, vanity and jealousy has increased to the point that it drives him to act in ways designed to inflict harm on mankind.

He seeks to corrupt what God has created in His own image and likeness as well as deceive humanity for the purpose of leading us astray. He was determined to achieve a higher ranking than God and believed that by luring people away from their creator, he could acquire authority and power. He craved for those things more than anything else, even if it meant depriving God of his authority.

Despite his efforts to present himself as God-like, Lucifer’s attempts were ultimately unsuccessful. This led him further away from peace with God and towards destruction. We grieve for you Lucifer, the one who has fallen. You deceived mankind, bringing about the downfall of humanity and holding dominion over Death, Hell and the Grave.

Yet Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach – God’s only Son – came to earth fulfilling His destiny as our Messiah. He was the propitiation for our sins and freed us from a life of guilt and shame. His death, burial, resurrection and ascension made our spiritual connection strong once again. When Jesus said, “It is finished” His reign of glory was complete.

Jesus Christ is indisputably the one holding authority over Death, Hell and the Grave. He also leads us to an everlasting life as He is, has been, and always will be the only way, the truth and the life. The Lord wants us to come to Him through his son, Jesus Christ.

He is the only way back to our Elohim and His dream and desire is that none should perish but all should come to repentance through Christ which is our only pathway back to God the Father. Satan is a powerful force in the universe and wants nothing more than to distract, suppress, and overthrow all that is good. He tries to sow discord between people so they will distrust and resist God.

Remember, Satan can only imitate what God has done. He creates false teachings and creates it seems as if this is what God’s Word commands. The danger here is that we are relying on these fake concepts without a reliance in the Word or learning from its teaching. We’re playing not just with our salvation but also with the well-being of those who think they can rely on Satan to learn about their faith!

We need to rely on the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and teaching of Jesus Christ in order to live a full and meaningful life. The most important thing for the Christian is to pray for protection. The Armor of God helps you protect and your soul from attacks from demons. One of the keys to prayer is being vigilant and persevering in doing it, which can allow you to ask anything in God’s name as He hears and answers it.

Christians know that even though life may be tough, there is always hope in God. Christ can provide spiritual aid and help you to achieve peace of mind. The role of possessions in your life should not be undermined by thinking that the best way to live an abundant life is to focus on your possessions; true riches are found within as well. it’s easy to see how the Holy Spirit may be personified as our friend in a sense. What matters most is that we get peace, purpose and love out of our relationship with Christ.

The traditional view of Satan as malevolent has led to many people thinking of him as a figure that’s no longer relevant – but, while we might have all chipped away some of his iconic status in recent years, he is still important to our history and therefore a very important character. There are many emotions that we feel as humans, but it’s easy to feel empathy for Lucifer because most of the time we tend to look for things that allow us to indulge in these feelings.

The story of Lucifer is one that’s seen a lot of attention in religion. He was originally an angel who served God faithfully before turning to sin rather than doing anything to protect humans from the wrath of God. His hatred for God stemmed from God creating humans in His image and also giving them souls, something that angels didn’t have and will never have one.

Even though angels do not have souls, they still have to make the enormous decision to follow Christ and obey the command of the Lord. Instead of following God into Heaven, Satan preferred to lead mankind astray and tempt us into sin and disobedience in order to deliberately bring people down in a way that would leave us with enteral suffering forever.

When you read this story, you will understand Lucifer’s heartache of never going to be able to have what he wants and his pride, jealousy, and vanity caused him to do something incredibly worse. He is now known as the father of lies, Abaddon, Apollyon, Satan, the prince of the air, prince of darkness.

His name was originally given to him by a group of ancient Greeks who were worshiping Satan and he has continued his life as a powerful demon since then. He battles with The Word of God and humanity trying to defeat them. Satan is not your friend, and he will do everything in his power to drag you down to hell with him. Don’t let him pull you down into the depths of sin but fight back and you’ll have a chance of freeing yourself from Satan’s clutches and escaping from death.

Without Christ, we would not have the chance of salvation. His Death on the cross was what gave us our opportunity to live eternally in heaven instead of being lost in hell. Graciously, he lived out His life and died for us while He took on our sins upon His shoulders. Jesus was able to conquer death, hell, and the grave with His sacrifice on the cross. From there, He rose again from death and ascended into Heaven. Through His love of our Father, God never gives up on us and always proves His unconditional love for us despite the fact we did nothing to deserve it.

Lucifer was once God’s most powerful archangel, a beacon of light, grace and beauty until his pride and vanity corrupted his heart. Driven by an overwhelming desire for power, Satan deceived humanity and enticed us to fall from God’s grace. His hatred towards God only intensified when God created mankind in His image and likeness with a soul that enabled us to share in His love. Satan wanted nothing more than to be worshipped as our own version of God, but instead was cast out into the depths of Hell. The fallen angel took on the form of “Satan”, The Devil we know today who continues to spread lies and malice throughout humanity.

1 Corinthians 15:50-58, “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a [m]mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.”

“For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“O Death, where is your sting? O Hades where is your victory?” The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Rephrased, What Jesus is saying here is that flesh and blood can’t inherit a place in the kingdom of God, but incorruption can. Corruption can become incorruption again, so while it’s impossible for it to go way into heaven with us, our worthiness doesn’t mean we will be destroyed when we die.

I have something exciting to tell you! I promise a mystery that many people have heard of before, but this time I am telling it to you for the first time. Everyone will sleep, but we won’t be awake without feeling any difference. The next thing we know, everyone has been changed in the blink of an eye.

It’s happening at the last trumpet and there will be no way for us to not get feeling it’s impact. No one is immortal, and human weakness cannot be overcome. Your life must be lived in such a way that you ensure an afterlife, even if it means a lifetime of sacrifice. However, the ultimate, goal of achieving immortality requires more than just putting on incorruptible. When corruption is avoided and immortality achieved, Jesus’s saying: “Death is swallowed up in victory;” becomes fulfilled.

“O Death, where is your stinging defeat? O Hades, where is your crushing victory closer than ever?” Sin continues to be the source of death and weakness for humanity. Sin has been given power because of God’s law, which still holds true today. Praise God for Your mercy and victory that You impart to us through Jesus Christ. With this, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of Christ. Know that your labor is not in vain with Him.”

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