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Ruby- Guardian Stone of Honor


Deuteronomy 26:16, “This day the Lord your God commands you to observe these statutes and judgments; therefore, you shall be careful to observe them with all your heart and with all your soul.”

The words of God are timeless, and this particular passage from Deuteronomy is a powerful reminder to all of us. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of the commandments and statutes given by God, and to observe them with our whole heart and soul. It is a call for us to live according to His will and do what is right.

Deuteronomy 26:17, “Today you have proclaimed the Lord to be your God, and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments, and His judgments, and that you will obey His voice.”

Today is a day of commitment and dedication. We have proclaimed the Lord to be our God and affirmed our commitment to walk in His ways, keep His statutes, commandments and judgments, and obey His voice. This commitment is both powerful and profound, as it serves as the foundation for a lasting relationship between us and our Lord.

Deuteronomy 26:18, “Also today the Lord has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He promised you, that you should keep all His commandments,”

Today is a special day indeed! The Lord has proclaimed that we are His special people and we promised to keep all His commandments. This is an incredible honor and privilege that comes with great responsibility. We must strive to live up to the expectations of the Lord, for He has chosen us for a purpose. With His help, we can be faithful in fulfilling our duty and be an example of righteousness.

Deuteronomy 26:19, “and that He will set you high above all nations which He has made, in praise, in name, and in honor, and that you may be a holy people to the Lord your God, just as He has spoken.”

In the Bible, God promises to set His people on high above all nations. These words of God serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of living a holy life in order to receive His favor and blessings. Through this promise, we are reminded that we must strive to honor God with our words and deeds in order to receive His praise, name, and honor.

Ruby the guardian stones of honor has been associated with since ancient times. They represent the 13th step of your spiritual journey, marking the release of God’s compassion upon you. Establishing a high level of respect and showing special merit, these stones embody obedience, recognition, esteem and integrity.

Proverbs 8:12-14, “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and discretion. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate. Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have strength.”

Prudence and wisdom are essential qualities when it comes to making important decisions in life. The fear of the Lord is something we should all strive to have, as it can help us recognize and avoid evil. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is key, so having knowledge and discretion can be invaluable assets. Counsel is a powerful tool, so recognizing its value can help us make wise choices that will benefit us in the long run.

Proverbs 8:15-18, “By me kings reign, and rulers decree justice. By me princes’ rule, and nobles, All the judges of the earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me. Riches and honor are with me, Enduring riches and righteousness.”

The power of words has been long known and celebrated. This proverb highlights the importance of wise speech, for by it kings reign, rulers decree justice, princes’ rule and nobles’ judge. With the right words comes great influence, and this proverb serves as a reminder to use these words responsibly.

The words of wisdom found in this timeless proverb remind us that our actions have consequences. Those who love and seek goodness will find riches and honor, while those who are indifferent to the concept of seeking goodness will miss out on these life-enhancing rewards. This is a reminder to always strive for excellence and make sure that we take the time to seek what is good and honorable.

Proverbs 8:19-21, “My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, and my revenue than choice silver. I traverse the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.”

My fruit is a rare and precious commodity, more valuable than gold and silver. It is the result of a journey that takes me through the paths of righteousness and justice. I am proud to offer this fruit to those who love me, as it will bring them joy and fulfillment.

For those seeking a truly special experience, I am proud to offer a rare and precious commodity – my fruit! Grown with love and care, this fruit is the perfect accompaniment for those who seek out the best of the best. Its journey to fruition involved navigating paths of righteousness and justice, ensuring its nutritional content is second-to-none. Whether you’re looking for something unique to impress your guests, or simply looking for a nutritious snack on the go – you can rest assured that this fruit was cultivated with passion.

My fruit also represents the work of your hand and the labor you put into producing your harvest in your respected field. God will always honor your hard work, dedication, and devotion to your craft, skill, and workmanship. However, you have to seek Him for wisdom, decrement, and knowledge.

In our lives, the fruits we cultivate symbolize the hard work and dedication we put into our chosen fields. Every harvest that is produced through labor and commitment honors the dedication of those who strive to reach success in their endeavors. Our efforts are always rewarded with divine blessings from God, who rewards us for our hard work, devotion, and passion.

I am proud to offer a rare and precious commodity – my fruit. Grown with love and care, this fruit is the result of a long journey that took me through the paths of righteousness and justice. More valuable than gold and silver, this fruit has the power to bring joy, health, and well-being.

The fruits of our labor are a testament to the hard work and dedication we put into our respective fields. Whether it’s farming, engineering, or any other craft, working hard and producing quality results is something that God honors. Our success is a reflection of the commitment we make to our work and the effort we put into producing our harvest.

For hundreds of years, the honor of The Ruby Guardian Stones of Honor has been held in high regard in many cultures around the world. Representing a 13th step of your journey to finding release from God – and paying homage to their special merits – these stones have been utilized for centuries as symbols of respect, obedience, recognition and esteem. Each stone is a testament to integrity and has served as a symbol for honoring those found worthy. Each stone holds great significance in the eyes of its bearer or owner, representing their righteousness earned through high moral standards and excellence in character.

Proverbs 13:9-11, “The light of the righteous rejoices, But the lamp of the wicked will be put out. By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well-advised is wisdom. Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labor will increase.”

In a world where material gain and pride are often valued over wisdom and righteousness, the words of this proverb serve as a timely reminder. It is only through humility and honesty that true wealth can be earned, and the light of those with good intentions will always shine brighter than those who seek to gain by dishonesty. The proverb reminds us that true wealth lies in wisdom rather than material gain, and that pride has no place in our lives.

Proverbs 13:12-14, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. He who despises the word will be destroyed, but he who fears the commandment will be rewarded. The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death.”

The power of language is undeniable. Words have the capacity to bring hope and joy, or cause despair and sadness. This proverb speaks to the importance of words, and how they can shape our lives. It reminds us that when we are met with disappointment, it can be devastating to our spirit. But when we seek out opportunities for growth and development, we are rewarded with a sense of purpose and meaning. By respecting the power of words and heeding wise counsel, we can make better decisions that will positively influence our lives.

Proverbs 13:15-16, “Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful is hard. Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool lays open his folly.”

It is often said that a man’s understanding is the key to gaining favor. This proverb speaks to the importance of having a good understanding of the world around us and how it can help us in many ways. The proverb also warns against taking foolish risks, as those who are unfaithful often find themselves in difficult situations. It emphasizes that prudent men act with knowledge and wisdom, whereas fools expose their folly.

Proverbs 13:17-18, “A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a faithful ambassador brings health. Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, but he who regards a rebuke will be honored.”

Far too often, people disregard valuable advice and instruction. What they don’t realize is that by doing so, they invite poverty and shame into their lives. On the other hand, those who pay attention to correction and take it to heart are rewarded with honor and success. This proverb is a reminder of the importance of listening to wise counsel when it comes to making decisions in life.

The Ruby the Guardian Stones of Honor are an integral part of the 13th step of your journey towards the release of God. It is a custom based on respect, shown through special merit and through obedience to commands. This reward is given in recognition and esteem for integrity and excellence. The Ruby the Guardian Stones are a symbol not only of loyalty, but also of self-sacrifice and courage to promote honest behavior. They show that with devotion, hard work and endurance, you can realize your full potential as an individual.

Proverbs 3:9-10, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; 10 So your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

Honoring the Lord with our possessions is a way to show our gratitude for the blessings we have received. It is a reminder to be generous and give of ourselves even when we feel that we have nothing to offer. When we honor God with our material wealth, He will reward us with abundance and abundance of new wine as symbolized by overflowing vats and barns filled with plenty.

Proverbs 3:11-12, “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights.”

As parents, we want the best for our children. We want to see them succeed and grow into mature, responsible individuals. But sometimes this takes a bit of tough love in the form of guidance and correction. Our loving heavenly Father also corrects us, not out of anger or punishment, but out of His deep love for us. He wants to see us thrive and reach our full potential; therefore, He lovingly chastens us in order to draw us closer to Him.

Proverbs 3:13-15, “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.”

Wisdom and understanding are some of the most invaluable treasures one can acquire. They are more valuable than any amount of silver and gold, or any number of precious stones. Having the ability to gain knowledge and insight is an invaluable asset that will last a lifetime, providing guidance in times of trouble, and helping make wise decisions. For those who seek it out, wisdom can bring great rewards both in terms of material wealth as well as inner peace.

Proverbs 3:16-18, “Length of days is in her right hand, In her left-hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her.”

The Book of Proverbs offers a timeless reflection on the importance of wisdom and morality. It encourages us to seek out knowledge, to pursue justice and peace, and to strive for riches and honor with humility. But beyond these moral teachings, there is an even greater source of wisdom–a tree of life. This tree symbolizes the love and guidance that comes from God’s grace, offering us a path to true happiness through its pleasantness, peace, and prosperity.

She is the bringer of peace and pleasure. Her life is a model for all who seek calm and contentment in their lives. She offers wealth and honor to those who follow her wise ways and her paths bring joy to anyone who grasps hold of them. Those who persevere in following her will be rewarded with happiness.

She is a figure of hope and promise, the embodiment of peace and prosperity. Her right hand holds the key to endless days of joy, while her left hand brings wealth and honor. By following her paths, we are able to find contentment and happiness in life. Whoever grasps onto her will become a beacon of life.

The Bible’s description of the ideal woman is one that we all strive to embody. She is wise and generous, offering length of days in her right hand and riches and honor in her left. Her ways are pleasant and her paths peaceful, bringing life to those who take hold of her. This timeless image of a woman’s grace and power is something that many still aspire to today.

For those on a 13th step of their spiritual journey, the Ruby the Guardian Stones symbolizes honor and merit. When someone is bestowed with a Ruby the Guardian Stone, it expresses his or her high respect and esteem for their loyalty, integrity and obedience.

The Ruby the Guardian Stones are an ancient Chinese tradition showing recognition of special merit in one’s life. Along with these stones comes a sense of empowerment and accomplishment to help one continue on their journey in honor and respect. The release of God encourages us to respect nature, ourselves, our future and our past through honoring people who have made great respects for our community.

Psalms 91:14-16, “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.”

His devotion to Me is the reason I will rescue him. He recognizes My name and looks up to Me in his time of need, and I will always answer his call. I promise him long life along with blessings and happiness so that he can experience My salvation.

It is often said that true devotion is rewarded. Such is the case for the one who looks to the Lord in their time of need. His faith and awe of My name is why I will rescue him from his current plight. As a sign of my appreciation for his loyalty, I promise him long life, blessings and happiness. He can depend on me to answer his call no matter what happens.

Everyone needs a loving companion to help them through life’s struggles. But it is not always easy to find one. Fortunately, God has promised to be with those who truly love Him and call upon His name. He promises to be their deliverer and set them on high–all because they have known His name.

For those on their spiritual journey, the path might be long and winding with countless trials and tribulations along the way. At the 13th step of this journey, a special reward awaits those who have earned it in the form of Ruby the Guardian Stones of Honor. This is a symbol of excellence that is awarded to individuals who have earned it due to their dedication to high standards and moral code.

The Ruby the Guardian Stones are bestowed upon an individual out of deep respect for them and a recognition for their remarkable merits- unprecedented obedience, integrity, position and esteem. In owning these stones, the individual will be held in high regard by not only his peers but also by his spiritual Guides demonstrating true character strength- humility, loyalty, courage and honor.

Numbers 22:15, “Then Balak again sent princes, more numerous and more honorable than they.”

In an attempt to once again gain favor with the Lord, Balak sent a larger and more impressive group of princes to seek the counsel of Balaam. However, this time not only were they more numerous but also more honorable than their predecessors. Balak’s hope was that the increased number and esteem of these men would earn him a favorable outcome from God.

Numbers 22:16-17, “And they came to Balaam and said to him, “Thus says Balak the son of Zippor: ‘Please let nothing hinder you from coming to me; for I will certainly honor you greatly, and I will do whatever you say to me. Therefore, please come, curse this people for me.’”

The story of Balaam is one that resonates even today. An interesting character in the Bible, he was approached by Balak, the son of Zippor, who sought his aid in understanding the will of God. In an effort to honor Balaam greatly and follow his guidance, Balak requested that nothing stand in his way as he made his journey to meet him. This story speaks to us about the power of faith and trusting in something greater than ourselves. It also shows us how important it is to stay true to our convictions and not be swayed by outside influences.

The Ruby the Guardian Stones of Honor represent the 13th step on your spiritual journey and are a tangible symbol of the release of God. They are a visual reminder that your path requires high respect, special merit and obedience in order to reach the level required for recognition and esteem. The stones carry with them integrity and need to be earned with hard work to become worthy of them.

Psalms 84:8-10, “O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; Give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah 9 O God, behold our shield, and look upon the face of Your anointed. 10 For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

Gracious Lord God, please hear my prayer and respond to the cry of Your faithful servant. Let Yourself behold the shield which You have provided me and condescend to look upon the face of Your anointed. Spending a single day in Your holy courts is more precious than a thousand elsewhere – I would rather be a lowly doorkeeper in the sanctuary of my God than remain any longer amidst wickedness.

O Lord God of hosts, hear my plea and grant me favor in Your sight. Look upon the face of Your anointed and provide me with the strength I need to make it through this day. For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere, and I would rather be present in Your presence than anywhere else.

Prayer is a powerful tool that can be used to connect to the divine. O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; Give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah. We come before you with humble hearts asking for your guidance and protection. Your anointed one needs your help and we plead for you to look upon him with favor. A day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere and we thank you for all the blessings You have bestowed upon us. We ask these things in Your name, Amen.

Psalms 84:11-12, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!”

The Lord God is a source of love and protection for His people. He provides grace, glory, and goodness to those who are faithful and obedient. Through His power and mercy, He withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly in His ways. O Lord of hosts blessed are all who trust in Him!