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In the Bible’s book of Revelations, Michael the Archangel is appointed as chief priest and guardian of Heaven, given the mission to defend against Lucifer and his Fallen Amy. As God’s most powerful angel, Michael stands at the head of Heaven’s armies and leads them in a heavenly war against Lucifer and his followers.

Michael participated in an even greater mission for God when Jesus was sent to deliver us from sin. It was Michael who comforted Jesus before his crucifixion, so he could fulfill His Father’s will and redeem humanity from its fallen state.

Michael is a hero not only in heavenly realms but also among men and women of faith, who honor him as a protector whose presence brings security, strength and courage. Now more than ever, we can call on Jesus Christ and Michael to guard us against Lucifer’s corruption and guide us back to God.

Amid Lucifer’s evil plot to corrupt mankind and turn them away from God, an archangel by the name of Michael took it upon himself to lead God’s army against the forces of Satan. As Chief Priest of the Heavenly Host, Michael was tasked with leading his angels in their mission to guard, guide and defend us on Earth. Along with other celestial beings such as Gabriel and Raphael, Michael was sent by God in order to ultimately help save us from the darkness unleashed by Lucifer and help turn us back to God through Christ Jesus.

Heavenly realms were once plagued by despair and chaos because of Lucifer’s manipulation and corruption. But as time passed God chose to send Jesus, His only son, as his messenger and messiah to show humanity the only path towards salvation which is through Jesus Christ. So, with faith in God, salvation through Christ, and courage of Michael, Heavenly orders have been restored until this very day!

In the Bible, Michael is referred to as the archangel, chief priest of Heaven’s host, and defender of God’s flock. He is an important figure in Christianity and Judaism whose main tasks are to fight and defend humanity against Lucifer and his fallen army.

According to ancient stories, Lucifer deceived many humans by corrupting them and turning them away from God; in response, God sent Michael and other angels to guard, guide, and protect mankind from a further fall into corruption. Thus, Michael and his heavenly hosts fought alongside Jesus when he descended from heaven to save us all from eternal damnation. Together they helped restore our connection to God.

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