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The Bible tells us that we are children of God and that He has given us the Sword of the Spirit – His Word, as our most powerful weapon. We are all familiar with the biblical concept of logos – facts, doctrines and truths; but how much do you know about rhema – the ability to grasp God’s promises in a practical way?

Rhema helps us remember key bible verses so we can use them to defend ourselves from spiritual attacks from the Devil. With knowledge of God’s Word, we can be sure that our heavenly Father and His angels will never work outside of His Word. It’s time to take up your sword and get ready for battle!

When we are presented with the difficulties of life, it is only natural to wonder how to fight them. The answer is quite simple, prayerful arms. Whether it’s physical like a sword or spiritual is irrelevant as Jesus has armed us with His Word and the Holy Spirit. With God’s Word on our lips, and His Spirit in our hearts, they are all we need to defend against the devil’s attacks.

It can take time to build up spiritual defenses but having rhema helps us remember verses and block attacks quickly if it has already been stored up in our hearts. Noted: God’s angels will never work outside of His Word, and there are scriptures to help identify the true servants from the false ones. So, receiving the knowledge of truth and calling on Him. Child of God, Take and Draw the Sword of The Spirit! It’s Time to Attack and Defend Yourself with the Word of God!

We as Christians are called to arm ourselves with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The Word of God is our weapon against the devil and his demonic forces. It gives us strength and courage in times of spiritual warfare.

The Bible itself states that “Holy Scripture is vibrant and powerful; sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates to the core of our being, distinguishing the soul from spirit and joints from marrow. Moreover, it can assess the intentions and emotions of our hearts.” (Hebrew 4:12). Therefore, when we read and believe in His teachings, we can be assured that our faith will prevail during battles with evil.

In relation to spiritual warfare, God’s Word also helps us remember verses that block attacks from Satan by revealing the truth. This is known as “rhema” – direct revelation or speaking from God Himself, or through His angelic messengers to His children here on Earth so they may have hope in defeating any attack! Thus, it becomes easier to face various trials, tribulations, negative and dark attacks designed to drive a spiritual wedge between us, and the path God set before us.

Isaiah 54:16-17, “Look here, I have created the blacksmith who stokes the fire and forms tools to complete his work. I have also created a spoilsport to demolish. Any weapon used to harm you will not be successful, and any words spoken against you in judgement shall be silenced. This is the blessing of those who serve the Lord; their righteousness comes from the Lord.” says the Lord.

Psalm 37:6 declares, “He will reveal your righteousness in all its glory, just as the daylight illuminates the sky at noon. Your justice will be boldly demonstrated by Him.”

In the spiritual warfare for our souls, a major defense is the use of God’s Word. Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit and with the help of Their angels, has given us access to this Word — it is our only salvation.

It is only when we understand that we can use this Sword of the Spirit to attack and defend against the Devil’s logos, trolls and lies that we can overcome these struggles, in the name of Jesus. The application of rhema helps us remember Scripture verses that block such attacks; hence arming us with the Truth. It is time to take up the Word of God and remember “Child of God, Take and Draw the Sword of the Spirit!”

The devil attacks us every day with messages of lies and deception, but as believers of Jesus Christ, we are equipped with the power of God’s Word to help us fight. God has given us a powerful weapon called rhema. It is like a shield that guard us against the enemy’s attacks and helps to remember God’s promises in times when it seems impossible.

The key is to draw the Sword of the Spirit or “the Word of God” which is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrew 4:12) and use it in times of trouble. With faith and courage, we can take a stance on this spiritual battlefield with confidence; for we are Children of God who must never be afraid because Their angels will never work outside of His Word!

The battle we face every day is spiritual. As Children of God, it is our duty to take up the Sword of the Spirit and use it to defend ourselves against the Devil’s attacks. The Word of God is our strongest weapon, with the help of rhema, enabling us to recall verses that block attacks and uplift us spiritually.

With Jesus and the Holy Spirit by our side and Their angels at work in our lives, we will remain protected against anything outside of God’s Word. We are further strengthened when accepting God’s rhema as truth – for this helps us remember His verses even through tough times. It’s time to take up arms with the Sword of the Spirit in hand, heart, and mind – let’s attack the enemy with the powerful faith, in the name of Jesus!

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