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As the child of God, we all have a duty to put on our armor and pick up our shield of faith. This is so that we can protect ourselves from the fiery darts aimed at us by the enemy. The shield of faith will not only serve as our protection but also act as a source of strength and refuge in times of need.

The Lord has made it possible for us to have access to this spiritual armor by imparting us with His words which are like sharp swords or polished arrow shafts hidden in His quiver. We can rely on His words to help us stay strong against any temptation or attack that may come our way.

We are children of the Most High God, and He is our Lord and Savior. As part of His family, God has graciously equipped us with His armor — His shield of faith. This shield serves as a firm defense against the fiery darts that the enemy launches at us each day.

In Isaiah 49:2, we read that even in times when we can’t see Him, God still holds up close and shields us from harm. Our faith is like a sharp sword; hidden in His quiver for protection and honed to perfection by Him. Like a tiger among the jungle sticks and trees, God is hiding us and preparing us to face our enemies. And He will release us and His glory when our enemies least expect it. So, they do not have a chance to run or hide. Knowing this gives us strength to face any battles that come our way, security in knowing that He will never leave us alone in them.

As children of God, we are all called to prepare for spiritual warfare and pick up the shield of faith. Through our faith in Him, we can trust that He is our strength and shield from the enemy. As His Word says, “I find strength in the Lord, my shield of protection. I place my trust in Him and He lends me a helping hand. My heart is filled with joy, and I will sing praises to Him. All those who have faith have the Lord as their strength, and He is the savior of His beloved.”

“His power has equipped my mouth with a sharp sword, and for protection He has hidden me in the shade of His hand. With finesse, He crafted me to be a polished arrow and tucked me away safely in His quiver.” (Psalm 28:7-8) and (Isaiah 49:2) With the Lord covering us with protection, even when illuminated by fiery darts aimed at us, we can stand firm knowing that God shall fight for us. Let’s encourage one another to always put on our armor as a sign of faith!

As Christians we are called to put on the armor of God and be armed with the weapons of our faith. Just as the Lord provided us with a shield of His power, He also gives us a shield – the spiritual weapon of faith – to guard against the fiery darts that are aimed at us. We must stay steadfast in our faith and trust in Him during times of difficulty, for He is our refuge and help in need.

The Bible calls us “children of God” (Isaiah 49:2), highlighting that no matter how many arrows are fired at us, we can look up not only to find safety from their impact, but also from our heavenly Father who made His mouth like a sharp sword to protect and guide us through life. He created us for battle so we must pick up this shield of faith if we want to stand firm in Him!

The famous words of Isaiah 49:2 quoted, ” He made my mouth like a sharp sword, In the shadow of His hand He has concealed Me; He has also made Me a chosen arrow, He has hidden me in His quiver.” can be seen as an exhortation for us to put on the spiritual armor that we have been given from God. Not only do we have to pick up our shield of faith, but we must also draw strength from it through our Lord.

The fiery darts aimed and fired at us can be daunting and frightening; however, if we take these words of Isaiah to heart and carry out the will of God in our lives – these darts will not only dissolve but will be sheltered by the shield faith given to us. It is through the salvation of Jesus Christ we become children of God and find our refuge, strength, faith, and hope even during our darkest times. This armor is what gives us strength even while we face life’s toughest challenges.

God is our protector and refuge in times of trouble. He has provided us with His armor to protect us from the enemy’s schemes. He has equipped us with His shield of faith that defends against the fiery darts aimed at us by Satan. God made our mouths like a sharp sword and hidden us in the shadows of His hand, making us a polished arrow in His quiver. He is our strength, refuge, help and shield in need.

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