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As a Child of God, it is important that we take time out of our day to connect with Him. We can do this through prayer, praise, worship and intersession; each of these can have a profound impact on our lives. By calling upon the Almighty and engaging in intercession, we can receive His armor which strengthens us against our enemy – Satan.

Through godly fellowship in prayer that has been saturated with supplication in the Holy Spirit, we will find ourselves much stronger than before. It is high time to sing praises to God and worship Him. He deserves it all!

As we are in a world of spiritual war, it is important for us to pray and make intersession a part of our regular practice. We must put on God’s armor to stand against the enemies and obstacles on our journey. While we ask Him in faith, praise Him and worship Him.

God gives us His armor but without intersession, praise, worship and godly fellowship and prayer with supplication in the Holy Spirit; our enemy Satan can take advantage of our weakened state. It is important for us to remember that prayer should not be limited to times of personal needs or emergencies, but it should be an influx into our daily routine as it helps keep us connected with God and his will for our lives.

Hence, let us make intersession part of our daily lives so that we could make this world a better place with an enriched sense of hope and faith.

Have you ever felt as if life is just too hard? Have you ever become overwhelmed or frustrated by your circumstances and feel like it’s all just spinning out of control? The bible encourages us to seek the Lord in prayer!

It reminds us that even though our enemy may seem strong, God is much greater than anything the world can throw at us. He gives us His armor, but without intersession, praise, worship, godly fellowship and prayer with supplication in the Holy Spirit, we leave ourselves defenseless against temptation and difficulties.

As children of God, it’s time to stand up with courage and make our Intercession and sing Praise and Worship! This is how we put on our protective armor; this is how we humbly approach the throne of grace with confidence. No matter what type of situation we face – whether big or small – God wants to hear from each one of us when it comes to making intercession for others or for ourselves.

As children of God, we are called to intersession and make praise and worship part of our daily lives. Although God gives us His armor to help protect us from the enemy, without being connected in prayer, praising and worshipping Him, we cannot stand up against Satan.

This is why it is important for us to come together in fellowship and pray with supplication in the Holy Spirit – because our enemy hates it! Let us come together as believers and spend time giving glory to God through prayer, praise and worship – for He loves us and wants us to be victorious!

Noted: If you think you can take on Satan and his army without God Almighty on your side. Satan will rip you to shreds. Like the seven of son of Sceva in Act 19:11-20. Through the works of Paul, God showcased His miraculous powers by using simple items such as handkerchiefs and aprons to heal the sick and drive out evil spirits. Some travelling Jewish exorcists decided to try out their own version of exorcism, using the name of Jesus that Paul was preaching. They were the seven sons of a Jewish chief priest called Sceva who attempted this.

The dark presence spoke in reply, “Jesus we know and Paul we know – but who are you?”

Suddenly, the man possessed by the evil spirit attacked them and was able to overpower them; vanquish them until they ran away from the house, stripped and hurt.

The news of this incident spread far and wide throughout Ephesus, filling everyone with awe. The incident caused many people to repent and accept Jesus Christ. They confessed their sins and shared the incredible things God had done in their lives. Magic practitioners have been submitting their books to be destroyed in a public display, with the value of the materials amounting to a sum of fifty thousand silver. As a result, the word of God has become even more powerful and spread further.

Into days currency, 50,000 piece of silver it would be close to 7 billion dollars in occult books, trinkets, and other items.

God has given us the armor to stand against our enemy, but without intercession, praise, worship, godly fellowship and prayer with supplication in the Holy Spirit we will be powerless alone. We must approach God with praise and thanksgiving in order to experience His abundant love, grace, power, and stand with the authority of Christ. Therefore, let us make intersession part of our spiritual battle gear and incorporated into our daily walk with God, others, and ourselves! When we take time to pray or sing praises to Him in spirit and in truth, He will manifest His presence in power – for it is then that we receive strength from Him.

Child of God now is the time to take up your armor and wage war against the enemy. Prayer, praise and worship are essential tools that strengthen us and make us powerful and walking with Godly authority in our Prophetical mandate.

When we pray, we intercede and petition God for others, as Jesus makes intersession for us, this moves Him on their behalf. When we praise Him in worship, it lifts our spirit and gives us the strength to overcome all obstacles. Finally godly fellowship with others who are of like-mindedness allows us to strengthen each other in accordance with God’s will. Through prayer and supplication in the Holy Spirit we can build a strong foundation upon which to stand against Satan’s schemes.

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